Friday, September 14, 2007

The Funniest shit I have seen for a while

This is a RSS feed from Google sent to my sidebar in Vista
<---Look right about there
Child porn Gonzalez? Are we about to here about another republicans sex habits? I don't think he would remember though.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Prophecy of the Future

I believe that the world will not come to an end, but rather, continue on in its tradition for rather odd species. It seems that we are a mere experiment for earth and our time will soon come to an end, therefore, we should plan ahead for the future race of super beings that will succeed us and possibly make their stay much more fruitful then our own. So, after we are consumed by the ravages of AIDs and the government finally passes a law killing all smokers, past and present, of marijuana, the human race will be wiped out.

Over time, the remnants of our time here will crumble and species of all kinds will finally be able to flourish in the now human-less environment. Land will be taken over by insects, who will finally blossom as the ultimate land species, although they will feud over who gets what and kill each other, making land usable only by plant, who will flourish and then feud over the prettiness of their flowers and kill each other.

Then, rabbits will take over since they have been inside of their holes while all this happens and, in the absence of predators, become humongous and will propagate like... squirrels, and all the land will eventually be covered completely by giant rabbits, then a disease will kill them all.

Then germs will make a comeback. Now the rabbit strewn landscape will be ripe for the perfect world of germs and they will, in the absence of anti bodies, eat all the dead things until, they too, die.

All the while dolphins have been creating super civilizations underwater ever since a peace treaty with the Orca and the shark, who have also created their own form of super civilization and they all live peacefully in the depths of the oceans. Then, aliens come from Mars which has been developed ever since a manned mission accidentally left a dog there which steadily evolved into a super dog which looks the same but can now talk and has organized religion. Anyways, this super dog introduces its religion to the Orcas and leaves back for Mars which, in the time of the mission to earth, has all died from a war with terrorists caused by the attack on the Twin Towers (it looks the same as ours [used to] but they are in the shape of a stereotypical dog bone) after the terrorist dogs blew up the last store of usable Iams and they all died of starvation killing all life on Mars.

So the Orcas on earth take up arms against the Sharks and the Dolphins because the Sharks and Dolphins don’t share the same religious viewpoints. The Orcas then call up the Dolphins using the same communications system that was left over from the humans (remember them?) and they unknowingly say the secret automatic nuclear launch code (It’s Cherokee for “Nixon is a fag” which in Orca means “All hail Beggin Strips”) that releases all the US's old nuclear weapons which causes the Russian's old nuclear weapons to launch which ignites the atmosphere, evaporates all the water and kills all the life on earth.

The End