Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bush is Killing Babies

I know I don't like to get all political with Johnshead, I usually save that for Rethinking Logic, but today the political and the funny have come oh-too-close. He vetoed the SCHIP bill today that would provide extra funding towards children without healthcare but fall just over the benefits that qualify for the slightly poorer. In other words, Bush is killing babies.

I don't know how more crazy our government can get. Like, wow. I'm speechless. He didn't pass a bill that would help children live. Does he hate children? Not only does he hate black people, Arab people, Iraqis, democrats, and smart people; he also hates children? Am I missing something here? Am I living in an upide down universe where everyone has gone completely, fucking, goddamn nuts? No wonder republicans are so fucking crazy, they were beaten as children and then they didn't have healthcare, so now they don't want to coddle our generation with this whole "health" thing.

Wow, I'm amazed at how fucked up we all are.